Legal tinted windows: 100% compliant with regulations!

Vitres teintées légales : 100% conforme à la réglementation !

If you are looking for details on the legislation concerning tinted windows, Dark Tint Marseille is the reliable expertise in Marseille and France. We guide you to comply with the rules and choose a solution that respects the standards in force, whether it is a tinted window or the application of a film.

Understanding the law on window tinting before

Since January 1, 2017, Decree 2016-448 requires a Visible Light Transmission (VLT) of at least 70% for car front windows. Thus, the addition of a tinted film is authorized if the combination of glass and film offers this minimum transparency.

Failure to comply with this rule can result in significant penalties, such as the loss of 3 points on your driving license and a fine of €135. These deterrent measures aim to prevent window tinting-related offenses.

Although the regulation is limited to the front windows, tinting the other windows remains possible. However, applying anti-burglary film or any other film to the windshield is strictly prohibited.

What is TLV?

TLV is an essential criterion that evaluates the amount of light allowed to pass through a window, whether it is tinted or not. It ensures that the brightness inside the vehicle meets safety standards. This standard applies exclusively to the front windows. Although the rear and side windows are not subject to this rule, it is recommended to follow the safety and visibility advice for tinted windows or anti-UV films. It is also crucial to never tint the windshield, as this is illegal.